zCommander là phần mềm quản lý file theo kiểu đơn giản, tryền thống nhưng thực sự rất đẹp, mạnh mẽ và nhanh chóng. Phần mềm phải có cho tất cả người dùng (đặc biệt cho người mới chuyển từ PC sang Mac và một số người dùng chuyên nghiệp)
Tính năng chính:
- Familiar double pane for file list view and each pane can have multiple tabs.
- List View or Thumbnail View Mode support.
- Quick Preview support (almost every file format)
- Sorted items by elements (Name, Extension, Date, etc, …)
- You can do most of file operations with only keyboard interface so it’s simple and fast. (Of course you can customise input interface or do it with mouse action)
- Copy & Paste file work support like Windows Explorer.
- Advanced filtering support in file work.
- Quick & Easy to Preview on fingertip.
- Quick searching by typing.
- Multithreaded file work support (copy, move, delete)
- Advanced file searching (by name matching, date, size and contents)
- Easy and fast folder bookmark and history management.
- You can customise look-and-feel to what you want.
- zip & unzip files & folders.
Link App Store: apps.apple.com/us/app/zcommander-total-management/id540356531
Tương thích: macOS 10.10 or later
zCommander 6.19
zCommander 6.26
zCommander 6.29
zCommander 6.32
zCommander 6.33
zCommander 6.34
Nguồn: maclife.io/zcommander-phan-mem-quan-ly-file-chuyen-dung.html